Kor Structural Joins the EGBC Accredited Employer Program

July 7th, 2023

Kor Structural is proud to announce we have joined the Accredited Employer Program from Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC).

The program is designed to streamline the application process and evaluation of Engineers-In-Training (EITs) for professional membership with EGBC. As part of the program, we have developed and formalized our Kor Structural mentoring and training processes to meet the industry best practices.

All EITs are required to demonstrate they have gained sufficient knowledge and experience in several key competencies before becoming a Professional Engineer. Through this program, Kor Structural commits to providing a top-tier learning environment for our EITs to gain the skills and experience needed to join the profession.

You can learn more about the EGBC Accredited Employer Program here

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